Monday, April 14, 2008

i did it.

yep. here it is. i had a cap with a tassel, but it was itchy as hell. the day was pretty great, and the best speech of the day, hands down, was by my friend elon. she is the most eloquent public speaker i have ever heard and by the time she was done, there wasn't a dry eye in the house.

here she is.

what a great day. i only wish i had more pictures, so if any of you that were there have some you can pass along i would really appreciate it.

so, cousin chef is this coming saturday and the ingredient is still unknown. that makes me a little nervous, but i am assured that we ARE going to find out what it is before saturday. this time around we will be in "stadium rockdale", which gives prof. paradox home court advantage. let me just say... he will need it.


Alaskan Traveler said...

You rock, girl!!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! It must be a huge relief to be finished.

Evildoer said...

Congratulations Jen!!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Jen! And best of luck on Saturday.